Sunday, November 16, 2008

Where has time gone...

Has it really been since October since I last wrote? I certainly need to keep up with this better. It seems as though when I am home there is no time left after feeding, bathing, playing with and putting kiddos to bed....not to mention getting ready for the next day. That is not even mentioning laundry, vacuuming, paying bills, cleaning the counters, bathroom, kitty litter, etc.....did I mention actually spending time with my husband?

Okay, enough excuses, I am sure we all have them. The thing is, there doesn't seem to be enough time during the school day as well. It seems as though, lately I am hearing it even more from the teachers that I support that there just isn't any time....and I agree with them! However, it is a catch 22, because if they will take the time (that they don't have) and create some great, engaging resources, they will save some time in the long run. I wonder though...what would I do if I was in the classroom? I like to think that if I was to choose to be a classroom teacher that I would do everything I could to reach my students, no matter how much time it took or how uncomfortable it is. There are many of my colleagues who do and I commend them!

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